Lamonte is a sustainable and traceable Grains solution company. We hold a very strong first mover advantage in procurement and export of Speciality Grains.
Our business is focused on farmgate procurement and distribution of food grains. Our competitive advantage is our direct origination from farmers across the globe enabling us to provide sustainable and traceable food solution to the buyers.
We have local on-the-ground teams which help us in tracking supply and demand dynamics and logistical efficiency providing us an edge over others.
We take pride in creating sustainable growth, in ways that add value to our employees, farmers, and the communities throughout our supply chain.
Level 1, 8 Beulah Rd, Norwood Sa, 5067, Australia
1703, BB1, Mazaya Business Avenue, Jumeirah Lakes Towers (JLT), Dubai, U.A.E.
45 , Surendra pal colony, Sodala, Jaipur, India
270-S, Quartier, Aitchedji, Abomey, Calavi- Bénin
QT, Adidoadin, 01, Rue Derriere L’ Hotel La, Concord, BP 14346, Lome-Togo
14 Vitse-Admirala Zhukova Lane, BC Wall, Street, 4th floor, office 403, 65026 ODESA, Ukraine
We use our belief conviction and drive to energize, engage and inspire.
We strive for continuous improvement and work towards shared success by doing thing for the right reasons.
We believe great changes can be effected through a series of small, well planned, and well executed steps and we strive on working for the environment on the same footsteps.
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Contact Us
Address: 1703, Mazaya Business Avenue – BB1, Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai UAE
Phone No: +971 52 777 7656
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